Furniture Repair FAQ

The first step is to send us a photo of what you have. Please send photos that show the damaged area, entire piece & if possible the name of the vendor and product page online to or text it to (248) 270-2867‬

What We Can Fix

  • Furniture that has “clear” or regular glass or mirror is typically the simplest to repair.

  • For example, paneled wall mirrors that are cracked in the mail, mirrored drawer fronts, or mirrored table tops are typically repairable.

  • Repair here means replacement, as glass and mirror cannot be mended once it is cracked.

What We May Be Able To Fix

  • If your piece of furniture has a tinted piece of glass or antiqued mirror, we may have a similar material that can replace the damaged portion.

  • Many online furniture vendors use products that shipped to the US from overseas. These pieces use components (glass, mirror, etc) that are not available in the US, so finding a perfect match is usually impossible.

What We Cannot Fix

  • Shattered glass cannot be fixed, only replaced. If your piece of furniture is cracked, chipped, or shattered — except in very rare and specific cases —the only repair option is to replace it.

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